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Nina leads workshops, educational courses, and curated excursions. Ranging from one hour to one semester, Nina travels to institutions across the globe to facilitate interdisciplinary learning. Participants are fostered to trust their curiosity and hone their attention. Nina’s courses often incorporate elements of experiential education, somatic practice, and intuitive process. Nina has created programs for all ages, as well as college pedagogy within Landscape Architecture, Sustainability, Creative Writing, and Studio Arts. 

Many of Nina's academic engagements result in projects, zines, exhibitions, and other creative products that are developed with and for students.




TALKS 2015-ongoing

Nina shares her work through evolving presentations that art critic and author Lucy Lippard has called “something that embodies a social energy not yet defined as art.” These performative lectures are equal parts artist talk, research inquiry, and poetic narrative. Constantly changing to address current events, new science, and evolving projects, Nina's talks weave together unlikely associations between piles of rocks, Nina’s father’s untold military history, climate change, Native cultures, obsolete communication technology, and the need for curiosity. Nina travels globally to give presentations at universities, arts organizations, and federal research laboratories. For booking information, please email


Solastalgia is the premonition of transition, a sense of loss from an anticipated future. It is the feeling of homesickness before leaving home. The Solastalgic Archive holds materials that contextualize and give breadth to the experience of living and making in this time of accelerated change.  It contains ephemera of memory, creation, forgetting, destruction, preciousness and transience from a wide range of contributors. It began in 2019 and has been growing and changing as it travels. Learn more about the archive.


This 100 page accordion book was created through a series of workshops at Reed College. Focusing on stream of consciousness writing and repetitive mark making, students were asked to respond to solastalgia - what they cherish now, what they might miss in the future, and what they hope will endure.


Crater and Dome is a special artist zine. Exploring optical illusions, inversions, erosion, and reciprocity, it is a celebration of teaching, learning, and changing. Made in collaboration with christina martin at the PNCA Pub Lab, this limited edition zine includes text, grasses, geologic samples, and a gesture of gratitude.


This zine is one of the projects that emerged from Overlook Field School: 2022, a month-long field course for University of Oregon Landscape Architecture students. “Every place is evidence of transformation, less, reliance, and renewal. Every thing is a legacy of disruption and creation. Every moment constitutes equal parts undoing and emergence. This book is intended to help ou connect to change. Through exercises, prompts, and invitations that can be done by anyone, anywhere, this is a field guide to your dynamic environment.”

try to eat the universe 2022

Resulting from Embodied Research and Alternative Documentation, an MFA level course at University of Nevada, this zine is a collective publication to help readers better connect with their fleeting sensory reality.

DEEP TIME LAB 2018-2019

Deep Time Lab merged the forms of exhibition, pedagogy, and archive, orienting participants to Earth’s new geologic epoch, the Anthropocene. Deep Time Lab sought new connections between past, present, and potential futures, by exploring time as a language, a measure, an art medium, a social context, a scientific principle, a spiritual space, and a cultural expression. Designed and facilitated by Nina Elder, the Lab was a platform for interdisciplinary activity and is adaptable to various academic and non-academic contexts within the University of New Mexico.


This Place is a limited edition book created with students, faculty, and staff of Grinnell College. For one afternoon, participants from Creative Writing, Religious Studies, Earth Sciences and Studio Art came together to explore old growth prairies at the Conard Environmental Research Area. The multisensory observations and data were coalesced in the book by Nina Elder with support from Center for Prairie Studies.

teaching engagements

University of Nevada Reno, Interdisciplinary MFA

  • 2024 - Reverences: Making Intuitive Monuments 

  • 2021 - Embodied Practice: Sensory Research and Alternative Documentation

  • 2020 - Focused Studio Practice: Forests, Fires, and Futures 

  • 2020 - present:  focused one-on-one mentorship throughout semester with MFA students as they prepare for their midway thesis exhibition 


Colorado College

  • 2023 - Non-Human Navigation (short field course) 

  • 2022 - Advanced Studio: Collage and the Archives 

Wild Rockies Field Institute

  • 2024 - Southwest Southwest Climate Studio Art: Change and Resilience in the American Southwest (month-long field school, 3 credits in environmental science, 3 credits in studio art) 


University of Oregon, Fuller Institute for Productive Landscapes, School of Architecture and Design 

  • 2022 - Transpecies Design and Empathy, Overlook Field School Lead Faculty (6 credit field school intensive held at the Fuller Estate in Pennsylvania)


Recent Pedagogic Interactions (2-3 class sessions including assignment and assessment) 

  • Advanced Installation - Willamette College

  • Advanced Craft Practices - PNCA

  • Capitalism and the Art World - PNCA

  • MFA Thesis - University of Maine

  • Research Practicum - University of Maine

  • MFA Studio - Champaign-Urbana

  • Alternative Photo Processes - Dartmouth College 

  • Art, Science, and Technology - Cal State San Marcos

Nina Elder is an artist and researcher whose work focuses on changing cultures and ecologies.

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© 2024 Nina Elder

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